
We are sad to announce that our on-line fundraising drive this year was very unproductive, but thanks a lot to those of you who *did* donate something! Rest assured, your contributions will be put to good use. However, the failure of this fundraising drive unfortunately significantly decreases and limits our ability to support low-income front-line community members in traveling to the event, and limits us in other significant ways (such as in acquiring gear that benefits the event such as medical stuff, water stuff, food, etc.). Alas, these sorts of online drives are far from the only was to solicit donations and contributions for an event like Wild Roots Feral Futures, and thus it's far from too late! If you would like to contribute to this event in *any* way, be it financial, material, physical, etc., please contact us at feralfutures [at] riseup [dot] net so we can figure something out! Also, we'll be collecting donations for communal supplies as needed in the woods, so if you're able, come prepared to pitch in!
Wild Roots Feral Futures is an informal, completely free and non-commercial, and loosely organized event operating on (less than a) shoe-string budget, formed entirely off of donated, scavenged, or liberated supplies and sustained through 100% volunteer effort.

This year, we are once again reaching out to the greater community in an appeal for funding donations. All proceeds go directly to acquiring essential collective supplies and food, as well as providing travel stipends for for low-income members of frontline communities fighting against ecological destruction, trainers, speakers, teachers, performers, medics, and others who are traveling long distances to provide us with their services, knowledge, skills, and expertise.

Donation records & expense reports will be openly reviewed on the ground at Wild Roots Feral Futures by the organizers' collective and any other attendees/participants interested in such transparency and accountability.

Every dollar helps. Thank you in advance!

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